Tuesday, January 21, 2014

ESL, Media, and Doritos in Haiti


This is our last day in PAP before we head to Desarmes! We started off the morning by going to HELP (Haiti Education and Leadership Program), a program focused to support talented, underserved Haitian students from all around the country receive a university education and additional English and leadership classes.  We met with Suzie Zeiger, an intermediate ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher at HELP, and she spoke with us about strategies we could use to improve our service in Desarmes (at GASA where we will be teaching English).  Suzie said “the more I learn about Haiti, the less I know.”  We thought this was a very interesting comment and relevant to how we feel as we learn more and more about Haiti, its history and culture.  There is always a significant amount of complexity in any country, and we continue to see this in Haiti.  “There is always another layer to peel back, like an onion.”

After meeting with Suzie, a couple of her students came and talked with us. We were able to ask them questions about themselves, their studies, culture, and hobbies. They also asked us about life in the United States.

Later in the afternoon we had some free time!  Some of us spent it washing our clothes by hand!  It was definitely a great experience, and we truly realized how difficult it is!

Our last meeting in the afternoon as with Ayiti Kalije, a media transparency organization in Haiti.  This organization focuses on activism in journalism, which is an unheard of concept in Haiti, since most journalists are tied to the government.  We learned that in the Duvalier era, many journalists in Haiti were threatened, tortured or sent into exile.  Today media has a large role in the rebuilding of the nation.  Ayiti Kalije focuses specifically on truth telling and root causes.  One of their goals is to explain how international aid organizations work, which is rarely done in a country with many international interventions.  They do a lot of work with community radios; which is the primary source of news for the majority of Haitians.  This organization was inspiring because the main mission is to reach as many people as possible as well as uniting foreign journalists and local journalists to expose the root of the problems in Haiti.

We are excited to leave for Desarmes tomorrow!  We will miss PAP and all the sounds and smells that come with it.  But we are ready to go to Desarmes and learn new things and begin to teach English!  On a side note: our dinner consisted of a vegetarian salad (which Sharlene loved) and Doritos.  Yep- you read that right… DORITOS!  A very interesting meal to say the least.  We presume this idea came from Eklan’s cook book titled “How to Cook for Blan (White People).”  Haha you never know what will happen in Haiti!

XOXO Shar-Shar and Megalicious

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