Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Saturday-Jan. 18

Saturday was a day of transitions-
·      From the bustling city of Port-au-Prince to the rural Dezamn.
·      From a city of walls to a neighborhood of trees.
·      From typical amenities of wifi, electricity and water to seeing them as scarce luxuries. 
·      From the sounds of people to the sounds of pigs, roosters, and dogs.
·      From soaking in information to putting it in to practice
·      From dining room tables to front porch eating
·      From chaotic highways to calm country roads

On Saturday we took Route Nacionale 1 from Port-au-Prince to Dezamn, stopping at Obama Beach for some much welcomed relaxation. The beach named after our President greeted us with good food, warm water and a great time. Looking out over the glittering, cerulean blue ocean, you can’t help but be in awe of the natural beauty of Ayiti. We would have loved to stay in this place forever. It is amazing to continue discovering just how beautiful a place’s reality can be when such ugly perceptions exist.

Along our road trip, we stopped and got a watermelon and some “tablets”- sugary peanut clusters popular in Ayiti. We arrived in Dezamn just in time for a dinner of sauce poivre, lalou (many team members’ first time trying goat!), and rice. After settling in, Kristen led us in a time of meditation. The silence and peacefulness allowed us to reflect on our experiences so far and those yet to come.

Transitions often bring about uncertainty; yet, it is uncertainty that leads to growth. We are excited where the next week leads us in a new place!

This blog is dedicated to Annika’s clothes that were eaten by Blackie. Rest in pieces.

-Abisola & Courtney

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